10 top macabre movie mutilations

image care of Paramount Studios

Movie: Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
Victim: Commander Sonak (played by Jon Rashad Kamal) and token assistant
Scene: two crew members are beamed aboard the Enterprise from Starfleet HQ not knowing the transporters aren’t fully functional yet as a result of her ongoing overhaul
Cause of death: not being able to reform properly after having every component molecule in their bodies scrambled and sent up to orbit and then back down to Earth again
Coroner’s report: during the attempt to save them, the unfortunate Starfleet officers begin to physically form, thus they are actually conscious of being pulled apart at a sub-atomic level
Time taken to die: around 10 seconds
Agony rating: 7

image care of Walt Disney Productions

Movie: The Black Hole (1979)
Victim: Dr Alex Durant (played by Anthony Perkins)
Scene: the crew of the USS Palomino try to discreetly explain to Dr Durant that Hans Reinhardt is a complete loon, but the psychotic robot Maximillian is on to them and promptly dispatches the good doctor with menacing mastery
Cause of death: having a spinning 18in “blender” blade mince your abdomen
Coroner’s report: Disney has a dark side, who’d have thought. The anticipation of just about to be minced probably doesn’t help, and the mess would just go everywhere
Time taken to die: approx 5 seconds
Agony rating: 8

image care of Carolco Pictures

Movie: Total Recall (1990)
Victim: Vilos Cohaagen (played by Ronny Cox)
Scene: a desperate, last-ditch struggle over the “on” switch for the alien reactor has resulted in an explosion causing sudden explosive decompression in the control chamber
Cause of death: blown out and exposed to the surface of Mars sans environment suit
Coroner’s report: rapid decompression and exposure to a vacuum causes hypoxia, convulsions and fibrillation of the heart, however, loss of consciousness usually occurs after 15 seconds or so
Time taken to die: 90 seconds
Agony rating: 6

image care of Carolco Pictures

Movie: The Hitcher (1986)
Victim: Nash (played by Jennifer Jason Leigh)
Scene: psychotic John Ryder breaks into a motel room and kidnaps Nash, dragging her to a truck stop parking lot. He ties her between a Mack truck and its trailer and commandeers the truck’s cab, revving the engine
Cause of death: being tied hand and foot then slowly pulled apart
Coroner’s report: chances are the resulting effect would be having your arms and legs ripped off, rather than actually being torn in two, leaving the victim bleeding to death
Time taken to die: a few minutes
Agony rating: 9

image care of 20th Century Fox

Movie: Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983)
Victim: seven of Jabba the Hutt’s henchmen and Boba Fett (played by Jeremy Bulloch)
Scene: Han, Luke and Chewbacca are only seconds away from ceremonial sacrifice by the galactic gangster by being thrown into the Great Pit of Carkoon
Cause of death: being swallowed whole by the sand pit-dwelling Sarlacc monster
Coroner’s report: victims are reportedly kept alive once inside the creature’s stomach so that they may be digested over 1,000 years, so death by dissolving would probably take second place to eventual starvation
Time taken to die: quite a few years
Agony rating: 10


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